Home» Activity» Developments for Metrology» L Length» Laser Interferometer ИП-1

Laser Interferometer ИП-1

The laser interferometer ИП-1 is designed for high-precision linear measurements and can be used to equip metrology centers, scientific and technical enterprises, high-tech industries, machine-building plants, etc.

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Range of measured lengths, m 0...50

Measurement error in the range up to 30 m

(L ─ measured length, m)
0,1 мкм + 1· 10-6 L 
Discreteness of measurement, mcm 0,01
Speed of movement of the reflector, m/min. 18
Operating temperature, °С 15...35

Power supply:
    with voltage, В                                              

    with frequency, Гц 




Power consumption, Вт not more 100


Automatic input of atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity, temperature of object of measurement and manual input of values of the remaining parameters and coefficients.