Control system of environmental parameters: temperature, pressure, humidity.
The system is designed on the basis of the up-to-date and the most optimal for open space LPS22HB pressure sensors, TMP117AIDRVR temperature sensors, and SHT21 humidity sensors.
The data received by the sensors are transmitted via STEVAL-FKI433V2 transceivers and 433 MHz antennas to the base station, where, using specially designed software, the data is displayed in real time with an interval of requesting data from sensors manually set in software on a personal computer. If necessary, the received data packets can be stored for further use in the calculations. This system is intended for simultaneous measurement of meteorological parameters at separate points on long lengths.

Technical characteristics:

Signal receiving range of transceivers, m 5000
Number of parameter control points unlimited
Mean measurement error:
Temperature in the range (–20 °C to +50 °C), not more than ± 0.1 ºС

Pressure in the range (800 – 1100 hPa), not more than ± 0.1 hPa
Humidity in the range (20 – 80 %), not more than ± 2.0 %
Powered by a lithium battery LIR17500-PCM-LD:
Voltage, V 4