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The National Scientific Center "Institute of Metrology" invites you to participate in a scientific and practical seminar

"Modern state of determination of physical and chemical parameters of natural gas",

which will take place from 1 to 3 November 2023. in video conference mode.

The speakers of the seminar are experienced scientists and practicing engineers of leading research institutions of the country's oil and gas industry.

Detailes in the official invitation [Read more].

Contacts: +380 (66) 849-15-99; +380 (57) 704-98-76; +380 (57) 704-98-64

План набору слухачів 2024-2025 рр. [*.PDF]
План набору слухачів 2024-2025 рр. [*.DocX]


Warning! NSC "Institute of Metrology" introduces distance learning


In connection with the introduction of quarantine in all educational institutions of Ukraine, regardless of ownership and management and to implement the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science (letter /1 / 9-154 from 11.03.2020), NSC "Institute of Metrology" introduces remote form conducting course training for professional development.

We invite you to distance learning courses in distance learning, which will start from January to February 2021 and beyond - monthly according to the Recruitment Plan.

Metrological Educational and Publishing center

NSC "Institute of Metrology",

Street: 42 St. Myronosytska, room 206

City: Kharkiv

Zip code: 61002

Country: Ukraine




+380 (66) 849 15 99

+380 (57) 700-44-41, 704-98-76

+380 (57) 700-34-47




Web site:
