Home» Activity» Fundamentals of metrology» Base of Standards» Ionizing Radiation

Measurements of ionizing radiations and nuclear constants are widely used in industry, medicine, science, i.e.:

• for assurance of nuclear and radiation safety during the production of electrical energy at NPP;

• for finding the minerals by the methods of nuclear geophysics;

• in nuclear and physical methods of the analysis of substances;

• for research of quantum effects in physics of high energies and interaction of elementary particles;

• for diagnostics of diseases in medicine: at the control of radiation content of food, drinking water and air.

For assurance of the unity of measurements of characteristics of ionizing radiation and their sources in Ukraine there are created national primary standards:

• national primary standard of the unit of volume activity of radon-222;

• national primary standard of the unit of activity of radio nuclides.

For the storage and use of the sources of ionizing radiations, which are included into the national primary standards there are received the licensing documents: License of National Committee of nuclear regulation and Sanitary passport of Ministry of public health of Ukraine.