The Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine thanks the work team of the National Science Center "Institute of Metrology" for their significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian science, selfless work and support of scientific and educational activities in Ukraine in modern conditions and on the occasion of Science Day.

World Metrology Day 2024

Dear colleagues!


On May 20 of every year, the entire metrological community celebrates World Metrology Day!

This holiday is testimony to the global recognition of the importance of the profession of metrologist in ensuring effective economic and social development.

The theme for World Metrology Day 2023 is We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow.

Accurate measurements are the basis of environmental research and policymaking because they enable us to understand and tackle complex environmental challenges such as climate change, pollution, and resource depletion. The theme of sustainability encourages us to explore how metrology contributes to improving our lives every day.

Faithfully yours,

Volodymyr SKLIAROV,

Acting General Director of the NSC "Institute of Metrology"

European Competition of the Best Young Metrologists of Ukraine

The 1st European Competition of the Best Young Metrologists of Ukraine is an initiative to promote young Ukrainian professionals in the field of metrology. The competition aims to motivate a new generation of metrologists to demonstrate their excellence and potential for a prosperous European future of Ukraine.

The Competition is scheduled for 25-27 June 2024 in Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine).

The competition is co-hosted and organized by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, SE "Ivano-FrankivskStandardMetrology", and the National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB).

More detailed information about the Competition can be found here

Management of NSC "Institute of Metrology"

According to the Order of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine dated November 17, 2023, No. 70-П, for the period starting from November 21, 2023, the Acting General Director of the National Scientific Center 'Institute of Metrology' are assigned to Dr. Sc. (Tech.) Volodymyr SKLIAROV.




16 жовтня 2023 року навіки зупинилося серце генерального директора ННЦ "Інститут метрології", члена Міжнародного комітету з мір та ваг (СІРМ), доктора технічних наук, професора Павла Івановича Неєжмакова.

Сорок років життя Павло Іванович присвятив роботі в ННЦ «Інститут метрології», де здобув заслужений авторитет і повагу завдяки високому професіоналізму, цілеспрямованості, порядності, справедливості та безсумнівним лідерським якостям.

Павло Іванович був висококласним та ерудованим фахівцем, який передавав свої знання та навички в роботі, доброзичливо ставився до початківців, допомагав і ділився з ними величезним професійним досвідом.

Усе життя Павла Івановича було сповнене руху вперед, він був надзвичайно енергійним, цілеспрямованим і дуже любив свою роботу.

Павло Іванович Неєжмаков успішно поєднував плідну наукову роботу з педагогічною та міжнародною діяльністю, результати якої отримали найвище світове визнання.

Ми висловлюємо глибокі та щирі співчуття його родині, рідним та близьким людям.

Світла пам’ять про Павла Івановича вічно житиме в серцях його колег та друзів.

Колектив ННЦ "Інститут метрології"

Science Day and World Metrology Day


The staff of NSC "Institute of Metrology" congratulates you on Science Day and World Metrology Day!

World Metrology Day 2023

Dear colleagues!


On May 20 of every year, the entire metrological community celebrates World Metrology Day!

This holiday is testimony to the global recognition of the importance of the profession of metrologist in ensuring effective economic and social development.

The theme for World Metrology Day 2023 is Measurements supporting the global food system. This theme was chosen because of the increasing challenges of climate change, and global distribution of food in a world whose population reached 8 billion at the end of 2022.

Faithfully yours,

Pavlo Neyezhmakov,

General Director of the NSC "Institute of Metrology",

Member of the CIPM

CCU/CCQM Workshop on "The metrology of quantities which can be counted"

The recent CCU/CCQM Workshop on “The metrology of quantities which can be counted” (28-30 March 2023) was a great success with speakers discussing aspects of counting and number quantities within many different fields of metrology. One of the Coordinators of the Workshop was General Director of NSC "Institute of Metrology", CIPM Member Prof. P. Neyezhmakov.

The three sessions were followed by 314 participants. Some areas for clarification relating to the treatment of counting as a measurement process and the description of number quantities in the SI Brochure and in the VIM were identified.

As a follow up to the workshop, the existing CCU Task Group on Angles and Dimensionless Quantities in the SI Brochure will create a focus group, including participants from the Consultative Committees which have identified specific issues to be addressed (e.g. CCQM, CCRI and CCPR). The focus group shall make a proposal to the CCU on how to clarify the text of the SI Brochure related to counting and number quantities. Once the proposed changes to the SI Brochure are agreed, the Consultative Committees can build on this in clarifying aspects related to counting in the mises-en-pratique for their respective fields. The treatment of counting and number quantities in the VIM will be taken forward separately by JCGM-WG2: VIM, many of whose representatives were present at the workshop.

Most of the workshop presentations are available from the BIPM web site and the two missing ones will be added as soon as possible.

27th meeting of the General Conference on Weights and Measures

On 15-18 November 2022, the 27th meeting of the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) was held in a hybrid format.

The following Resolutions were adopted during the meeting:

1 On the report prepared by the International Committee for Weights and Measures on the "Evolving Needs in Metrology"

2 On the global digital transformation and the International System of Units

3 On the extension of the range of SI prefixes

4 On the use and future development of UTC

5 On the future redefinition of the second

6 On universal adherence to the Metre Convention

7 On the dotation of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures for the years 2024 to 2027


Joint International Scientific and Technical Seminar

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, NSC "Institute of Metrology", Technical University of Sofia, Union of the Metrologists in Bulgaria kindly invite you to participate in the 19th International Scientific and Technical Seminar "Uncertainty of Measurement: scientific, applied, regulatory and methodical aspects" (UM-2022).

You can download informational materials of the seminar here


Dear colleagues!

On 10 November each year, the whole scientific world celebrates the World Science Day.

Congratulations to all scientists on this outstanding holiday!


See the congratulations on the World Science Day from the Head of the NESC of the NAS-MES of Ukraine, academician V.Semynozhenko

We are in the media

Institute of National Standards is an article on the "Kunsht" website dedicated to the history, achievements and current state of the NSC “Institute of Metrology”.


The first step towards the recognition of World Metrology Day as a UNESCO Day

Dear colleagues!

On 13 October 2022, the Executive Board of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) agreed on a proposal to recognize World Metrology Day (WMD) as a UNESCO day.

The decision should be ratified at the 42nd session of the UNESCO General Conference, which will be held in November 2023.

Following the official recognition, World Metrology Day will be included in the UNESCO calendar and will be celebrated every year from 20 May 2024.

NSC 'Institute of Metrology' has received 5 CMCs in hardness

On August 18, 2022, following the results of successfully completed international comparisons, 5 CMC entries in the field of hardness of the NSC "Institute of Metrology" were published.

Thus, National (State Primary) Standard of Hardness Units on Rockwell and Superficial-Rockwell scales (NDETU M-10-2021) has confirmed its calibration and measurement capabilities in the field of hardness on Rockwell scale in the following ranges: 60-70 HRC, 80-86 HRA, -50 HRC, 80-100 HRBW and 20-30 HRC.

The total number of CMC entries of the NSC "Institute of Metrology" was 185.

NSC "Institute of Metrology" CONFIRMED THE STATUS of a scientific institution

According to the results of the state certification conducted on May 17, 2022 by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the NSC "Institute of Metrology" reconfirmed its status of a scientific institution for 5 more years (qualification group 1) and was included in the State Register of Scientific Institutions, which are supported by the Government.

Starlink client equipment is already in the Institute

On July 14, 2022, Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Maria Mezentseva (Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on Ukraine's Integration into the European Union) and Olena Khomenko (Committee on Foreign Policy and Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation) visited the NSC "Institute of Metrology".

General Director of the NSC "Institute of Metrology", Member of the International Committee for Weights and Measures, Prof. Pavlo Neyezhmakov and Scientists-keepers of the National standards Volodymyr Soldatov and Mykola Huriev showed Maria Mezentseva and Elena Khomenko the standards maintained at the institute, in particular the National standards: of the units of time and frequency, of the unit of luminous flux (lumen) and of the unit of temperature (Kelvin).

During the visit, the Deputies handed over to the institute the client equipment of the Starlink Satellite Communication System, which Ukraine received thanks to the efforts of Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine and Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov.

The use of this additional stable and secure Internet channel expands the capabilities of the national standard of the units of time and frequency in providing information about the time to all consumers in Ukraine for whom the exact time is of critical importance.

The NSC "Institute of Metrology" is sincerely grateful for the equipment received.

Cooperation with IMEKO

A representative of the NSC "Institute of Metrology" Iryna Kolozinska, Senior Researcher of the SRL-30,  was included in the Technical Committee for Measurement of Force, Mass, Torque, and Gravity (TC3) of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO).

IMEKO is a non-governmental federation of 42 Member Organizations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology.  Its fundamental objectives are the promotion of international interchange of scientific and technical information in the field of measurement and instrumentation and the enhancement of international cooperation among scientists and engineers from research and industry.

The goal of TC3 is to bring to the forefront the latest developments and advances in the measurement of force, mass, torque, gravity and related quantities. TC3 regularly organizes international scientific events and provides a forum for international exchange between experts in the relevant field

World Metrology Day 2022

Dear colleagues!


On May 20 of every year, the entire metrological community celebrates World Metrology Day!

This holiday is testimony to the global recognition of the importance of the profession of metrologist in ensuring effective economic and social development.

The theme for World Metrology Day 2022 is Metrology in the Digital Era. This theme was chosen because digital technology is revolutionizing our community and is one of the most exciting trends in society today.

This year, the poster for WMD 2022 and the corresponding banners to be used in social networks have been designed by the specialists of the NSC "Institute of Metrology". The right to design a poster was obtained based on the results of the competition in accordance with the Rules of the BIPM and OIML.


Faithfully yours,

Pavlo Neyezhmakov,

General Director of the NSC "Institute of Metrology",

Member of the CIPM

Visit of representatives of the EU evaluation mission on the implementation of "industrial visa-free" implementation

On January 19, 2022, as part of the second stage of the evaluation of the metrology system of Ukraine, the representatives of the EU evaluation mission and the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine visited the NSC "Institute of Metrology", namely:

1. Anne BERCIO, Adviser of Trade Department, EU Delegation to Ukraine

2. Lesia HIPCHYNSKA, Secretary of the Trade Department, EU Delegation to Ukraine

3. Natalia DVIRNYK, Head of the Department, Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

4. Tetiana MELNYCHENKO, Deputy Director of the Department of Technical Regulation and Innovation Policy, Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

During the visit, the main experts of the TAIEX mission hold online interviews:

- Moritz ACKERMANN, Head of Unit 9.113 "COOMET, EU-Twinning" of the German National Institute of Metrology (PTB)

- Peter ULBIG, Director of the SE "Verification Authority for Lower Saxony" (MEN)

- Wolfgang SCHMID, Senior Project Manager, PTB

Also during the visit, the guests got acquainted with the measurement standard and museum of NSC "Institute of Metrology".

On the work of the commission for acceptance of the improved DETU 06-05-98

On 15 – 16 December 2021, in NSC "Institute of Metrology", a state commission was working on the acceptance of the improved state primary measurement standard of the unit of kelvin temperature in the range from 273.16 K to 1357.77 K (DETU 06-05-98).

Based on the results of the work, the commission concluded that DETU 06-05-98 met the definition of the primary measurement standard in accordance with Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Metrology and Metrological Activity" and recommended the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine to assign DETU 06-05-98 the status of the national measurement standard.

MoU between NSC "Institute of Metrology" and Bureau of Metrology of North Macedonia

2 December 2021, a Memorandum on cooperation in the field of metrology between NSC "Institute of Metrology" and Bureau of Metrology (BoM) of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of North Macedonia was signed at the NSC "Institute of Metrology".

The Memorandum was signed by the General Director of NSC "Institute of Metrology" Pavel NEYEZHMAKOV and the Director of the BoM Merita MUSTAFAI.

Membership of NSC "Institute of Metrology" in the Consultative Committees of CIPM

By the decisions of the Sessions I and II of the 110th meeting of the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM), NSC "Institute of Metrology" acquired the following statuses of membership in the Consultative Committees of CIPM:

  • member of the Consultative Committee for Units (CCU);
  • observer in the Consultative Committee for Thermometry (CCT);
  • observer in the Consultative Committee for Mass and Related Quantities (CCM);
  • observer in the Consultative Committee for Ionizing Radiation (CCRI).

120th anniversary of the NSC "Institute of Metrology"

On October 8, 2021, the NSC "Institute of Metrology" held celebrations (in a hybrid format, taking into account COVID-19 restrictions) dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the NSC "Institute of Metrology".

The staff of the NSC "Institute of Metrology" was congratulated by:

- President of the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) Wynand Louw
- General Director of the Czech Metrology Institute (CMI) Jiri Tesar
- President of the Central Office of Measures in Poland (GUM) Jacek Semaniak
- Director of the Metrology Institute of the National Agency for Standards and Metrology of Georgia (GEOSTM) Nino Mikanadze
- Deputy Director of the Belarusian State Institute of Metrology (BelGIM) Nikolai Bakovets
- Deputy Director of the National Metrology Institute of Moldova (INM) Serghei Ceapa

A number of congratulations were also received from foreign and Ukrainian institutions

Certificate of recognition of quality management system in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025

Based on the decision of the 29th meeting of the Technical Committee of the COOMET Quality Forum, a Certificate of Recognition QSF-R86 of the quality management system of NSC "Institute of Metrology" was issued in accordance with ISO / IEC 17025 dated September 30, 2021.

The certificate is issued for the following types of measurements: Length, Thermometry, Electricity and magnetism, Time and frequency, Mass and related quantities, Ionizing measurements and radioactivity, Photometry and radiometry.

This Confirmation is valid until September 30, 2026

Visit of PTB experts within the appraisal mission

On 1 October 2021, experts from PTB (Germany) visited the NSC "Institute of Metrology" within of the appraisal mission of the project "Quality standards for more trade in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries".

The PTB delegation is represented by:

Kathleen Richter
Clemens Sanetra
Lutz Neumann

Visit of the representatives of the Bureau of Metrology of North Macedonia

On 27-29 September 2021, representatives of the Bureau of Metrology (BoM) of the Ministry of Economy of North Macedonia visited the NSC "Institute of Metrology".

The BoM delegation is represented by:

Mihajlo Mishkovski - Head of the Legal Metrology Department

Bianka Mangutova-Stoilkovska - Quality Manager

Vesna Ristovska - Assistant to the Director

The visit is organized within preparation for the signing of the Intergovernmental Agreement on Cooperation between Ukraine and North Macedonia

We in the media

On the occasion of the 120th anniversary of NSC "Institute of Metrology" a series of publications in the Kharkiv media was launched, which highlights the activities of NSC "Institute of Metrology". - "National Scientific Center "Institute of Metrology" - 120 years!" (article on the media center's website "Vremya") - "Institute of Metrology - pride of Ukraine" (video on the channel "Kharkovskiye izvestiya")



Peer review of QMS of NSC "Institute of Metrology"

From 25 May 2021, a peer review of the Quality Management System of NSC "Institute of Metrology" is being performed.

Due to the forced restrictions connected with the spread of coronavirus COVID-19, peer review is held in a hybrid format:

from 9 to 11 June - directly on site and

from 25 May to 30 June - by videoconference.

Auditor of peer review - Nino Mikanadze (GEOSTM, Georgia).

Technical expert - Manana Gelovani (GEOSTM, Georgia).

World Metrology Day 2021

Dear colleagues!

I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday ‒ World Metrology Day!

In 2021, metrologists of Ukraine are involved in addressing the problems aimed at combating the pandemic COVID-19, in which the accuracy and speed of measurements are of great importance.
The theme of World Metrology Day “Measurement for Health” highlights the importance of measurements in protecting the population from the effects of the virus.

On this holiday, I wish you, dear colleagues, health, well-being, prosperity, dynamic development and professional success!

Best regards,
Pavel Neyezhmakov,
General Director of NSC “Institute of Metrology”,
CIPM member, COOMET Vice-President

On Ukraine's obtaining the status of a full membership of the International Organization of Legal Metrology

The Ministry for Development of Economy, Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine has received an official notification from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the French Republic on Ukraine's obtaining the status of a full membership of the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) on April 3, 2021.


Obtaining a full membership will allow Ukraine to vote at all meetings of the organization and participate in the work of technical committees, development of new documents, as well as to make proposals to the Strategy of the organization.

On Ukraine's joining the Convention establishing the International Organization of Legal Metrology

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine № 998-ІХ of November 5, 2020, Ukraine joins the Convention establishing the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML).


According to the Law


"The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine resolves:


To join the Convention establishing the International Organization of Legal Metrology created on October 12, 1955 in Paris, which enters into force for Ukraine thirty days after submitting for keeping its document on joining"



Concerning the conditions of activity in the quarantine limitations

In order to inform business entities about the conditions of activity during quarantine limatations, the Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine has launched a portal for entrepreneurs:;


The portal for entrepreneurs contains information on current restrictions for business activities, a list of state support measures, answers to current questions, etc.



Elections of General Director of NSC "Institute of Metrology"

On November 20, 2020, from 9:00 to 15:00, the elections of General Director of NSC "Institute of Metrology" by the staff representatives of researchers took place.

72 researchers from NSC "Institute of Metrology" were registered for participatation in the elections.

Participated - 66.

Results of elections. For the candidacy of  prof. P. Neezhmakov voted:

FOR - 64

Not supported - 1

Invalid ballots - 1

Broadcasting of elections and counting of results took place with the help of WebeX program online from 9.00 to 16.00.

The staff of NSC "Institute of Metrology" congratulates Pavel Neyezhmakov on winning the elections of General Director!

World Metrology Day 2020

Dear Colleagues!


I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday ‒ World Metrology Day!

This holiday proves the worldwide recognition of the importance of the metrology profession in ensuring successful economic and social development. The topic of this year's celebration - "Measurements for Global Trade" was chosen to emphasize the important role that measurement plays in promoting fair and equitable trade, ensuring that products meet standards and norms, and meeting consumer expectations.

On this holiday, I wish you, dear colleagues, sustainable development, further creative and production achievements for the benefit of metrology! Health, well-being and prosperity!


Best regards,

Pavel Neyezhmakov,

General Director of NSC “Institute of Metrology”,

CIPM member, COOMET Vice-President

Agreement with GEOSTM, Georgia, on cooperation in the field of metrology

On 27 November 2019 in GEOSTM (Tbilisi, Georgia) an Agreement on cooperation in the field of metrology on recognition of results of test, type approval and/or conformity assessment of measuring instruments (MIs) between Georgian National Agency for Standards and Metrology (GEOSTM) of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia and National Scientific Centre "Institute of Metrology" (NSC "Institute of Metrology") of the Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine was signed.

The Agreement was signed by General Director of NSC "Institute of Metrology" Prof. Pavel Neyezhmakov and General Director of GEOSTM Mr. Davit Tkemaladze.

Agreement on cooperation in the field of metrology

We in the media

"Kilogram is being retired - the world has undergone historical metric changes" - an article on website of the newspaper "Slobidskyi Krai", devoted to the 26th meeting of the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) 


MoU with CMI, Czech, of cooperation and understanding

On 5 September 2019 in NSC "Institute of Metrology" (Kharkov, Ukraine), a Memorandum of cooperation and understanding in the field of metrology and conformity assesment between the National Scientific Centre "Institute of Metrology" (NSC "Institute of Metrology") and the Czech Metrology Institute (CMI) was signed.

Memorandum was signed by General Director of NSC "Institute of Metrology" Prof. Pavel Neyezhmakov and Director for Fundamental Metrology of CMI Mr. Jiri Tesar

Memorandum of cooperation and understanding

On the 100th anniversary of GUM


On 1 April 2019 in Warsaw, Poland, the ceremonial jubilee session devoted to the 100th anniversary of the Central Office of Measures (GUM) was held.

General Director of NSC "Institute of Metrology", Member of International Committee on Weights and Measures (CIPM) Prof. Pavel Neyezhmakov took part in this event.


By the decision of the 26th meeting of the General Conference on Weights and Measures, General Director of NSC "Institute of Metrology" Prof. P.I. Neyezhmakov was elected as a member of the International Committee for Weights and Measures (СІРМ)!



The current membership of CIPM see by link

Accession of Ukraine to the Metre Convention

On May 23, 2018, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law "On Accession of Ukraine to the Metre Convention".

According to the Law:

"The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine decrees:

to accede to the Metre Convention concluded on May 20, 1875, in Paris”.


Adoption of the Law will allow Ukraine to become a member of BIPM and exercise the rights of a full member of BIPM, in particular:

- to vote at CGPM meetings and to participate in the work of advisory committees established by the CIPM;

- to participate in key comparisons of the CIPM, which will allow to assess the degree of equivalence of the national measurement standards in the shortest possible time and with the highest accuracy;

- to buy the calibrated platinum-iridium measurement standard of kilogram at a cost price;

- use the calibration services for the national measurement standards, which is not allowed for associate members

Decision about the further development of the QSF-R44 project COOMET evidence on the knowledge of the quality management system.

Certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Ser. DR No. 02702 of August 21, 2019. The National Science Center "Institute of Metrology" is listed in the State Register of Scientific Supported Institutions.

Note! On July 3, 2019, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine of 06.06.2019 No. 2740-VIII "On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Implementation of Legislation of the European Union in the Field of Technical Regulation", the possibility of "verification of measuring instruments that are not applicable in the field legislatively regulated thermology, on a voluntary basis".

29th COOMET Committee meeting

The 29th COOMET Committee meeting was held on 3-4 April 2019 in Dresden, Germany. Day before the meeting, on 2 April, the 17th meeting of the COOMET Joint Committee on measurement standards and one-day COOMET–BIPM Workshop "CIPM MRA review outcomes: comparisons and CMCs"were held.

From the NSC "Institute of Metrology" the General Director Prof. P. Neyezhmakov - COOMET Vice-President, COOMET Committee Member from Ukraine, Chairperson of TC 4 "Information and Training"; Head of Laboratory Yu. Bunyayeva -  National COOMET Secretariat in Ukraine, Secretary of TC 4; s. r. I. Kolozinska - Chairperson of TC 1.6 "Mass and related quantities"; Acting Head of Laboratory A. Kostrikov - Chairman of TC 1.5 "Length and Angle"; interpreter I cat. T. Omelicheva


On the 100th anniversary of GUM


On 1 April 2019 in Warsaw, Poland, the ceremonial jubilee session devoted to the 100th anniversary of the Central Office of Measures (GUM) was held.

General Director of NSC "Institute of Metrology", Member of International Committee on Weights and Measures (CIPM) Prof. Pavel Neyezhmakov took part in this event.

About possible problems with the performance of terrestrial receivers of the Global Positioning System (GPS) April 6, 2019 (UTC)

As described in the attached document, the next scheduled transfer of GPS system day nights will take place on April 6, 2019.

This event may affect some of the old GPS receiver devices, and after the reset of the weekend occurs, its system date may be incorrect.

If you have any doubts, contact the manufacturer of the receiver.

Other GNSS, such as Russian GLONASS, European Galileo or Chinese BeiDou, have not suffered from this problem.

Read more ...

Regarding SI override

A video on the redefinition of the main units of the International System SI, prepared by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, USA) for the International Bureau of Measures and Weights (BIRM)

More Scientists_to_Vote_on_Metric_Makeover

For applications for assessing the suitability of reference materials

NSC "Institute of Metrology" accepts applications for the determination of the suitability of reference materials (RM) used in the verification of legally regulated means of measuring equipment

Read more ...

Video on UA TV channel

The General Director of the NSC “Institute of Metrology”, Dr. Sc., Professor, tells about the National Primary Standard of Time and Frequency stored in the NSC “Institute of Metrology”. P.I. Neyezhmakov and scientists-guardians of the Institute



"Kharkov - the capital of metrology" - an interview with the Director General of the NSC "Institute of Metrology", Dr. Sc., Prof. PI Neyezhmakov in the studio of the TV channel "Simon"

Read more


"Kharkiv metrologists will join the historical change of units of measurement" - the news on the site of the newspaper "Slobidsky kray", devoted to the XI International scientific and technical conference "Metrology and measuring equipment"

Read more

The project "Three Minutes on Science" is devoted to the 100th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The permanent expert of the project is the Head of the North-Eastern Scientific Center of the National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Academician V. Seminozhenko.

Interview with the Director General of the NSC "Institute of Metrology" Prof. Dr.P.I.Neizhmakov

Accession of Ukraine to the Metre Convention.

Dear Colleagues, The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of France today informed BIPM that Ukraine has acceded to the Metric Convention, with the date of accession on August 7, 2018. Congratulations!

October 9-11, 2018 in Kharkov, at the National Scientific Centre "Institute of Metrology" Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine under the auspices of COOMET will be held XI International Scientific and Technical Conference "Metrology and Measuring Equipment" ("Metrology-2018")


The certification and conformity assessment "Metrology" NSC "Institute of Metrology" [Go] Ukraine's first appointed to perform conformity assessment for non-automatic weighing instruments Technical regulations on non-automatic weighing instruments approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 16.12.2015 №1062 Technical regulations and measuring instruments approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 24.02.2016 number 163.

On December 16, 2016, an Agreement [Here] was signed between BelGIM and the NSC "Institute of Metrology" on the recognition of test results of measuring instruments for approval of type or conformity assessment.

The signing of the Agreement provides manufacturers of measuring instruments that have passed conformity assessment in NSC "Institute of Metrology" with the possibility of including their measuring instruments into the National Register of the Republic of Belarus without additional costs for testing.

We invite manufacturers of measuring instruments for cooperation!

Date of cancellation of these fundamental standards of metrology - 29/03/2017


Scientific current events and the X International scientific-technical conference "Metrology and Measuring Equipment" (Metrology - 2016) coved by news agencies.


October 5-7, 2016 in Kharkov, at the National Scientific Centre "Institute of Metrology" was held under the auspices of COOMET X International Scientific and Technical Conference "Metrology and Measuring Equipment" ("Metrology-2016") 


5-6 April 2016 successfully was held the peer review of the quality management system of the NSC “Institute of Metrology”


October 5-7, 2016 in Kharkov, at the National Scientific Centre "Institute of Metrology" Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine under the auspices of COOMET will be held X International Scientific and Technical Conference "Metrology and Measuring Equipment" ("Metrology-2016")


About ruling Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Approval of the Procedure of measuring devices for periodic calibration, maintenance and repair."